contoh kalimat diferensiasi produk
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- Thus, differentiation is the process of distinguishing the differences of a product or offering from others, to make it more attractive to a particular target market.
Diferensiasi produk (product differentiation) adalah proses pembedaan suatu produk atau jasa untuk membuatnya lebih menarik terhadap suatu pasar sasaran tertentu. - limited information and knowledge of good agricultural practices (GAP), product differentiation, productivity enhancing inputs, labour-saving technologies, on and off-farm agricultural opportunities, etc.;
informasi dan pengetahuan yang terbatas tentang praktik pertanian yang baik, diferensiasi produk, input pendukung produktivitas, teknologi hemat tenaga kerja, peluang di dalam dan di luar pertanian, dll; - With innovation and well capability to read the market as its strength, Intiland has created unique markets with product differentiation that maintains the Company’s position as one of the leading property developers in Indonesia.
Melalui keunggulan dalam inovasi dan kecermatan dalam melihat peluang pasar, Intiland berhasil menciptakan pasar tersendiri melalui diferensiasi produk. - PT PP Properti Tbk continues to make breakthroughs in developing its property business, one of which is by creating differentiation of products and services packed with tag line "Beyond Space".
PT PP Properti Tbk terus melakukan terobosan dalam mengembangkan bisnis propertinya, salah satunya dengan menciptakan diferensiasi produk dan jasa yang dikemas dengan tag line ′Beyond Space′. - Marketing managers will examine each competitor's cost structure, sources of profits, resources and competencies, competitive positioning and product differentiation, degree of vertical integration, historical responses to industry developments, and other factors.
Manajer pemasaran akan mempelajari struktur biaya, sumber keuntungan, sumber daya dan kompetensi, posisi kompetitif dan diferensiasi produk, tingkat integrasi vertikal, riwayat respon terhadap perkembangan industri, dan faktor lainnya dari setiap kompetitor.
Kata lain
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